Looking for a recommended hotel?
Looking for hotel recommendation from somebody like you
that has already been in a nice hotel before you?
In the following links you will be able to find a collection of
recommended hotels at selected top destinations.
Just choose the destination you are interested in and watch a
recommended hotels table for that destination.
Hotels in Europe
Barcelona Hotels | Prague Hotels | Rome Hotels | Paris Hotels | London Hotels | Berlin Hotels | Madrid Hotels | Venice Hotels | Milan Hotels | Athens Hotels | Vienna Hotels | Zurich Hotels | Munich Hotels | Amsterdam Hotels | Geneva Hotels | Dublin Hotels | Budapest Hotels | Moscow Hotels | Seville Hotels | Valencia Hotels | Ljubljana Hotles | Salzburg Hotels
Hotels in USA
New York Hotels | San Francisco Hotels | Orlando Hotels | Las Vegas Hotels | Washington Hotels
Hotels in Far East
A little bit on other accommodation options...
For those who have doubts and can't decide whether to stay in an hotel, apartment or maybe to save money and stay in a cheap hostel, here are some excellent links to recommended and reliable websites that allows an online reservation to each of the different accommodation options. Many times making a reservation through the internet is cheaper than reservation by phone or at the hotel lobby.